Poole Home Tutoring Services
If a session is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, the fee will still be chargeable.
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"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."
Malcolm X

"Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire."
William Butler Yeats
"Where Education Is A Passion"
About PHTS
As a teacher and tutor, I have extensive experience. Over the past few years, I have tutored children from Year 2 up to Year 12. My time is spent equally between 11+ Tuition, Support for GCSEs, and general support for Learning.
I am happy and able to travel throughout the East Dorset area, from Wareham to Christchurch and north to Ringwood.
I also have access to a comfortable Tutoring Hub in Parkstone from where I conduct most of my tutoring lessons. .
BIO - Andy Hatchard
Education is something I have always been passionate about, both as a student and an educator. Upon completing my further education at Poole Grammer School I attended Chester University. At Chester I studied both English Literature and Sports Science. After graduating from Chester I attended Bath University where I completed my PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education).
Throughout my time in Chester and Bath I worked most holidays teaching English to foreign students for several local language schools.
Once my PGCE was completed I commenced my formal teaching career. My initial role was teaching GCSE P.E. and A-Level Sports Science at a comprehensive school in Buckinghamshire. I held this position for two years before returning to Poole to take up the role as a key stage 3 Science teacher. This left me with a love of science and an appreciation of how it can be engaging and inspire young people.
Since 2001, I have worked in Years 5 and 6. I was an Assistant Head for several years and a writing moderator for the local authority. During this period, I became a passionate advocate for Reading and Writing for Pleasure in schools. This I feel is vital, if we are to encourage our young people to become lifelong writers and readers.
In addition to my classroom duties I have also tutored for the last twenty years. In that time, I have tutored numerous students, from Year 4 up to Year 13 in an array of subjects with varying objectives/desire outcomes. I'd like to believe that each and everyone of my students has benefitted for the time they've spent with me. Some will have benefitted academically, some socially and some may have learnt to show themselves a little compassion if they weren't as capable as they wanted to be or believed they needed to be. Personally, I believe I have grown and improved as an adult and educator with every interaction.
From teaching foreign students English in my University holidays to teaching P.E. in secondary school and thereafter teaching for twenty six years in Key Stage 2&3, education has been a huge part of my life for over thirty years as it will be for the foreseeable future.
Current Availability ( See News, Updates and Availability page)